ERP Technology 3C Solutions Enable Business in New Normal
Charles Kwon, Chief of Representative in Indonesia, Younglimwon Soft Lab

Charles Kwon, Chief of Representative in Indonesia, Younglimwon Soft Lab
Asia has accounted for large regional share of global growth in key technology metrics over the past decade. Has been building its technological capabilities and infrastructure. More is to come based on scale of markets and investment and the speed of technology adaption, as well as through intellectual property creation (Mc Kinsey). Particularly in 2020 when the pandemic has an impact on health and economic globally, the acceleration of digital transformation cannot be avoided – especially in Indonesia.
SystemEver is cloud-based ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) owned by YoungLimWonSoftlab Co., Ltd. a Korean company who has experience for more than 28 years. Founded in 1993 as Korean first generation of ERP Company, YoungLimWon consistently selling ERP and maintained its reputation. Furthermore, our cloud-based ERP, SystemEver’s successful foray into the Korean market enabled the company to enter Indonesia in 2017.This is to support digital transformation in the future especially in Indonesia.In 2020, caused of pandemic - Indonesia Government made new policy for work from home, this new policy makes not only Small Medium Enterprise (SMEs) but also big companies difficult to manage their business. Of course, SystemEver’s customers are no exception
Remote work is not new, but this habit previously applicable only for sales marketing division. Pandemic is making new habit in industry, especially for trading, distribution, and retail. And the question is how to make it works?To address this challenge, companies are looking to nimble system, and this is steering them towards a cloud-based technology. However, there are risks when adopting a new system, switching to a new solution, and more specifically, when moving the most sensitive workloads to the cloud. On the other hand, employee must be able to learn the system rapidly. SystemEver address challenges and doubt of nimble system, especially for SMEs nowadays.
What is causing this shift to cloud-based system?
For running businesses during new normal, companies should adapt into new habit - 3C (Cloud, Connecting and Controlling). Daily task such as accounting, finance, inventory management and administration should be done from home. Communication and integration between division is a must, especially in distribution and trading industries. Digital transformation is no longer unavoidable, shifting manual system into cloud-based is a must.
Although businesses are eager to embrace cloud, foundational gaps are slowing adoption and growth. Alignment between IT and businesses, talent shortage, and unclear process become slowing cloud-based innovation and growth. It is important to recognize that support all these innovations in a rapidly changing environment, companies need a flexible solution that can support these workloads in any direction the businesses need to move to cloud-based ERP system.Advanced Technology to Enable Business in New Normal
Advanced technology such as Cloud, Connecting and Controlling (3C) enable business in new normal. It will support your employee for remote work, make your business effective and efficient in the new normal. YoungLimWon crystallized its technology into Cloud ERP SystemEver for support your business.
Cloud, employee can work remotely even for admin, accounting, finance, and management inventory. Employee can access SystemEver anytime and anywhere through Desktop, Laptop, Tablet and even smartphone. Simply connect your gadget to internet, open your browser and put SystemEver link, you can do your daily task with effectively.
Connecting, with a mutually connected system, employee can export or import data based on their needs/function. For management purposes and for business considerations with effectiveness and efficiency. Even though employee has no experience with ERP in advance, SystemEver has “Visual-K Process Map.” Function. Visual-K is a One-Page ERP process map which can help user to understand working flow of their daily task based on their function.
Controlling, communication and integration among division are a must, no need to worries because SystemEver has real-time and accurate data. Once you put data into system and approved, data will automatically be updated. You can control your business in only one hand and based on accurate and real-time data you can make decision more efficient.
In Indonesia, SystemEver entered the market since 2017 and has customers from various industry. Special for Indonesia market, SystemEver has i-Series product which can used partially, or full package based on company needs.
"Previously we did not imagine jobs that were carried out in offices such as purchasing, accounting and admin, with ERP in fact it could be done by mobile, as long as connected to the internet, the work could be done well. SystemEver not only helps us increase productivity, but also optimizes our business growth in the field of medical devices." Mr Donny – Manager PT Indocore Perkasa(Our Customer).
The stage is set for Indonesia region to embrace digital and drive innovation through new normal and cloud-based ERP SystemEver can be that path that companies can take towards that increasingly bright future for the region and in line with government new regulations.